Announcing a new group!
Inside Out
-A Men’s Wellness Group
We shouldn’t wait until problems get out of hand before getting help. At the Peoples’ Counselling Clinic, though we work with all genders, we have a special focus on understanding and serving the needs of male-identified persons.
We have established a new therapy group for men - Inside Out.
This group is designed to help men who are concerned that they are putting themselves and others at risk. We acknowledge that some who need help will also have experiences of already perpetrating harm against others.
We focus on helping men heal from:
● Trauma, neglect, abandonment, and other attachment injuries.
● All forms of abuse.
● Poverty and other forms of marginalization.
● Racism, homophobia and other forms of discrimination.
To help them stop the hurting. We seek to create a space where all men who need healing from the harm they’ve suffered and the harm they’ve caused can come together to heal.
Call or email us to schedule a confidential intake. We meet twice per month using a video conferencing platform.
To be eligible you must be male identified and be 19 years of age and older. We also have support available for partners and families.
The Peoples’ Counselling Clinic thepeoplescounsellingclinic.ca 200-5435 Portland Place, Halifax, NS B3K 1A2 Phone: 902-832-1593 Fax: 902-832-0061
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